Alien Nation: The art of blending in.

15th March – 29th April 2011
Location: Gallery & Project Space

Additional events: Literary Evening, April 14th
M1GRATION: March of the Aliens, April 15th featuring PIKY and Sheffield bands The Tivoli and The Cartels

Alien Nation, a month-long exhibition including art, music and more, will take place this spring at Great Western Studios.

Inspired by George Mikes’s book How to be an Alien and curated by Soapbox Events, Alien Nation is a one-off group show by a collective of London-based artists, photographers, writers and musicians.

Alien Nation celebrates the way George Mikes brilliantly captures the extraordinary transition that many people experience when first moving to London. From the weather to the incomprehensible social niceties, there’s a lot to adjust to; in spite of these things, foreigners and other ‘aliens’ continue to flock here.

A number of high-profile artists have produced their take on George Mikes’s influential book. Their inspiration has come from a chapter, scene, sentence or single phrase within it – and their pieces reflect the individual’s take on the topic of being an ‘alien in London.’

The collection includes: painting, photography, poetry, murals, furniture and a unique collection of illustrations from the Central Illustration Agency (CIA) who have been invited to visually recreate the book.

Whether you’re an alien or not, the capital’s cultural diversity affects us all. This exhibition will be a celebration of that diversity – and the community of aliens who call London home.

External links:

Exhibition review on The Guardian

Alien Nation