
Webcams #1 by Foxall Studios

Private view: Thursday 6th Feb 2014
Exhibition runs: 5th Feb – 9th Feb 2014
Location: Gallery & Project space

An exhibition of 12 webcams chosen by leading artists, fashion designers, poets and others. By way of introducing ourselves to the GWS contingent Foxall Studios are staging an exhibition in the gallery space between the 5th and 9th of February.

As a studio, we have been interested in various webcams over time, and in the spirit of not sitting on ideas in 2014, we decided to make a deadline and curate this show, and hopefully meet lots of you in doing so.

This exhibition started with the thought that the recent years of internet and new media technology advancement have forced us to re-evaluate the two-dimensional image. When does having a static image go out of fashion? Would a moving image (rather than a static image) on the wall of your bathroom take too much of your attention?

We are interested to see how this group of images will work together, as the webcams play our their various daily cycles in the same gallery space. Like an exclusive performance, the live exhibition will mark a point in time and cannot be repeated.

There will be a private view on Thursday the 6th February from 6.30pm.

foxall webcams