The Contemporary London presents… System Failure

Exhibition runs: 30th Aug – 5th Sept 2013
Private view: 29th Aug 6 – 9pm
Location: Gallery & Project space

Sandra Erbacher, Rowena Harris, Rowena Hughes, Jess Littlewood,  Ines Rebelo, Eddie Villanueva. Curated by Sandra Erbacher.

Space is always under construction, in a perpetual process of being negotiated, choreographed, made and un-made. Fluid and non-hierarchical, it is an anti-system without centre or apparent unifying motif. By embracing this incomplete conception of space first proposed by Deleuze and Guattari in A Thousand Plateaus, System Failure offers a snapshot of a ceaselessly shifting spatio-temporal constellation.

The artists presented each interrogate a spatial organizing principle (or the absence thereof) in their work. While Rowena Harris’ work investigates the intersection between virtual space and the material world, Ines Rebelo traces outer space onto a wall in the exhibition space traversed by the viewer. Rowena Hughes employs geometry and science in combination with found imagery to complicate our sense of spatial logic, whereas Sandra Erbacher examines the intersection of space with time as an organizing principle. At the centre of Eddie Villanueva’s practice, is an understanding of architectural space as an archeological site, as a collection of surface layers and histories.

Formally, the featured works play with pattern, repetition, as well as contingency. Their arrangement in the context of this exhibition, however, ultimately de-stabilizes any linear structure or singular meaning and instead allows for multiple spatial narratives by activating the in-between. Thus, the dialogue opened up by these works equals a ‘system failure’, revealing space as an open, organic, and heterogeneous formation.

system failure