Sophie Smallhorn at Collect

Great Westerner Sophie Smallhorn collaborates with Sebastian Bergne to produce ‘Colourware’ for this year’s ‘Collect’ event at the Saatchi Gallery showing from 6th to 9th of May.

Relaunched at the Saatchi Gallery in May 2009, COLLECT has an enviable reputation as a premier, annual fair for contemporary craft. Through its presentation of work from the best international applied artists, COLLECT has become a prestigious event in the international cultural calendar gaining the respect and support of many private collectors, museum curators and galleries.

sophie smallhorn

Suky Best

Fresh from her recent exhibitions at the Sheffield Insitute of Arts and Camberwell College of Arts, video artist and printmaker Suky Best is now taking part in ‘Fieldwork’, a group show featuring the work of the Royal College of Art (Visual Communication) Research Department.

Fieldwork proposes an engagement between audio/visual media and exhibition practice that examines the moving (and stilled) frame’s intrinsic resonance, potentiality and ability to articulate rich streams of thought.

The exhibition is at the Regency Town House, Brunswick Square in Hove and opens on the 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th April.

Other artists include Nicky Hamlyn, Nanette Hoogslag, Woodrow Kernohan, Joséphine Michel, Catrin Morgan, Gareth Polmeer, Andrew Vallance and Ian Wiblin.

Suky Best